Delushi Kong 7 asks:
1-How much do you think your show will last?
SKP: I hope a lot more. Maybe more than 10 years?
2-This is my house, you likes it?
SKP: Your house is good, is confortable.
3-Will you do anything else for this event besides the Q&A?
SKP: Nah, the questions are enough. They mix both parts of my fanbase to ask me anything they want to know about me.
4-who's jade :v
SKP: Homestuck.
5-What would have been your first review in Anticinema Time if you started the show today, for example?
SKP: That's an interesting question. Besides the possibility of still wanting to review Hercules in New York, Smosh: The Movie would have been a candidate for first episode. As for stuff I haven't reviewed, Pan and Pinocchio and his friend Coco are two movies that I watched relatively recently and they deserve a review. And trust me, they will get one eventually.
Game Maps asks:
1-Is your character based on the Nostalgia Crititc?
SKP: He's obviously based on the Nostalgia Critic, as well as the characters from Joy Mech Fight. Not on the Nostalgia "Crititc" though.
2-Did you think someday you would reach this sub list?
SKP: What? Anyways, when I had like, 900 subs, I expected to reach the 1k mark. But back on my first yeark making videos? Not at all.
3-Do you know is Sukapon is going to be in SSBC?
SKP: It seems like he was an idea of the old development team and that the current one has no interest in him. What a shame.
4-Did you get any sickness when watching GoAnimate The Movie?
SKP: Buff... Worse things can give you sicknesses.
Epic Caco asks:
1-What are your favourite videogames? (Teresa Maleno also asks this)
SKP: In no particular order: All the Super Smash Bros games, Kirby's Adventure Wii, Worms Armageddon, Crash Bandicoot 3, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Chibi-Robo, Joy Mech Fight, Jump Ultimate Stars, Cave Story... The list goes on.
2-What shows do you hate?
SKP: Apart from the obvious (The John Show), I never liked either Uncle Grandpa or Clarence. I found the former to be annoying, specially in the original dub, and the "shorts" managed to be even worse. As for Clarence, it's for personal reasons that I don't wanna explain.
Ryuk Sam asks:
1-Where did you get the idea of making the channel and the characters like Skapokon and Wai?
SKP: After writing an article for the Blog "Pixfans", which got rejected for reasons I still don't know, I was told that my username back then (Yellow-Kirby) was the reason I wasn't taken seriously. That's how I changed my name to Skapokon, based on the game I was currently playing "Joy Mech Fight". After making, out of pure boredom, a picture of Skapokon disguised as Nostalgia Critic as well as custom sprites of some of the Joy Mech Fighters, I decided to make "Nostalgia Skapokon" in this style and BOOM! I finally had a mascot for the review show I had wanted to make for years. As for Wai, I based him on the homonymous character from Joy Mech Fight, while his outfit and personality were made just to contrast Skapokon's.
Dr. Ivo Enemil asks:
1-Who's the worst character out of all of animation in your opinion?
SKP: Eric from the Go!Animate movie. Yeah, obvious choice, but he really is. He's an antipathetic and stupid character made unintentionally, as he's supposed to be the hero of the story. And, like Doraemon, he always wiiiiiins~ (this is a reference to the Spanish Doraemon intro)
2-Do you have any Anime Figures?
SKP: I have the Gurren Lagann although it's not mine, it's my brother's. Does Plush Espeon count?
3-Do you know the channel "JaidenAnimations"?
SKP: I've heard
about her, but I haven't seen much. For what I've seen it's a bit
like the 24-Hour comics from Awkward Zombie with animation, so it's
probably good.
4-Do you tolerate Fetishes?
SKP: As long as
they are not rubbed on my face or shoehorned in any creation or
conversation that they have, I'm fine. This thing should be private,
don't you think? You're not going to just go yelling: HEY! LOOK AT
5-What are your favourite and least favourite Lawl Movesets of all time? (Not counting Chincherrinas)
SKP: Buff...
You're asking me to make a hard job. Honestly, just go to any Lawler
I'm subbed to and check the latest videos of all of them. They are
people who get better and better in each moveset. As for the worst...
Austin A. Just Austin A.
MemeBlogsGame555 asks:
1-How much does it take you to make videos?
SKP: Depends of
the video. Nowadays I takes me like a month or so with the Lawl
videos, and a bit more with the reviews. The next videos I make, like
Reactions and Filler videos, take me less than a week.
2-After making a video... do you make scripts?
SKP: The only
videos where I don't write a script are the reactions. A script is
totally necessary for the videos I make, so I obviously have to make
3-What's your favourite anime and why?
SKP: Azumanga
Daioh. I watched it on High School so I felt identified with the
adventures of the protagonists. It's Lucky Star done right, with
characters with more personality, stories that are funny even if they
haven't happened to you and a perfect balance between casual and
absurd humor.
4-How does it feel to have 1000 subs?
SKP: I feel the
same, but then I look back at the time I only had 3 digits, or even
less. It fills me with Determination.
5-(this one's for wai) What's your daily routine?
WAI: I wake up thanks to the Gadget-Clock, I'd dress up but I'm always on my pajamas. Then I have breakfast, wash my eye with water and soap (Lady Gel Brand). And then I wait for someone to tell me what to do for about 1 or 24 hours.
SKP: Hey look Wai, it's the Rayman cartoon, would you like to see it?
Aitor Molina asks:
1-What do you like and dislike about fanmade robots?
SKP: Fanmade robots exist? OK, I know that there are a few and the expectations are a bit low. Apart from you know who, who I'll not talk too much because the next question is about him, John also made two characters who were almost as shameful. One was an attempt at reinventing the fire robot from my earliest reviews, but he was nothing more than a brute who wants revenge. The other was Sir Pokon's father, who was just a typical abusive father who, of course, now treats Darkpokon as his son. Ninten Gameaster gave me an idea to reinvent this latter robot by making him a hobo who believes he's Sir Pokon's dad, but he's not. I love that idea, and it's probably the only fan robot I like. The rest are bad or just jokes like SKAPOOON.
2-What's your opinion of Darkpokon as a parody? When he's used for memes and jokes instead of EDGE
SKP: I like him even less because I made that interpretation. Darkpokon, no matter which version, is sort of the mascot of those who do not watch Retropokon but pretend that they do. Those who think I made him and are unaware that it was John who made him. In the special he was funny but mostly because of how annoying he was, which is why I killed him off before he got too far. But that didn't happen and now people want him to return. Do you really want him to come back, when Bill Raccord, Lady Hell and Pigsaw pretty much cover all of his personality traits much better?
3-Have you ever thought of talking about your favourite movies before becoming an specialist?
SKP: The problem about making a video about that is that it's an opinion that's constantly changing, much like with the games. And if I told you the amount of movies I haven't watched yet... I'll probably lose so many subs I won't be able to make this special.
4-Have you ever thought of making a videogame with your brother?
SKP: He keeps his projects as a secret to almost everybody, even me. So I won't spoil anything.
5-What would you like to do in your program that you haven't been able to do yet?
SKP: I'd love to make an Streaming at the style of Vinesauce. It would be a new experience and I'm sure I'll have lots of fun.
Mr. Esqueleton asks:
1-What do you think of Sanic and Sunky?
SKP: I've never really been a fan of these memes, specially because there's people who think they are serious and treat them as evidence of "Sonic's Fanbase being terrible"
2-Do you like McDonalds?
Now seriously, I think I've never been to McDonalds. I've been plenty of times to Burger King, though.
3-Is there any game that you liked as a beta but disappointed you with the complete version?
SKP: Not a beta but a demo, but still a perfect example for this question. Epic Mickey 2 for the 3DS looked like it was going to be an awesome return to the classic Disney platformers of the Capcom era, and the idea of a witch that turned into many different Disney villains and the assists made the game look like it was going to be a relief after the disappointment that was the original game. But then I realized that the demo was like a third of the game. And that most of the teased villains weren't in the game. And that the witch wasn't constantly transformed into Maleficient but that her design was pretty much Meleficient. Good thing I didn't buy it.
4-Do you like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared?
SKP: Much like Too Many Cooks, it's not a style that I like but the ideas are creative.
Kazumy asks:
1-Why did you start this channel?
SKP: I made the channel so I wouldn't have to share it with my brother. As for the channel's content, I'd always wanted to make a show about games ever since I watched Rareza Jugable and Juegos Catastróficos. How the program ended up being has already been explained in a different question.
2-Why do you mostly talk in Spanish when your audience is English?
SKP: Because I started in Spanish. In fact, at the bedinning I didn't expect myself having an English public as I wasn't going to make a Lawl. Nowadays I make reviews in Spanish and subtitle them later. Sadly, nobody watches the subtitled reviews.
3-Where are you currently in?
4-Why's your name Skapokon?
4.¿ Por que el
nombre de Skapokon?
SKP: Because of the game I was currently playing at that time: Joy Mech Fight. Skapokon was one of my favourite characters. It's still a really good game, even though not many people know about it.
5-Wilde and the other characters were invented by you and you voice them?
WAI: Hey Skapokon, who's Wilde?
SKP: I assume he's talking about you, Wai. Yeah, I created all of these characters, even though they are clearly based on Joy Mech Fight. As for the voices. I voice everyone except MegaZak and his cousins, Lady Gel the Second and the Third, Pigsaw, Pigface, Slag the Terrible and guests like Zurfura and Red & Leo.
Adri5131 asks:
1-Which games caught your attention from this year's E3?
SKP: The new Kirby looks amazing. It has everything I wanted in a game of the series. Mario Oddysey, while not revealed in this year's E3, also looks like a heck of a game, same with the N-Sane Trilogy. Super Lucky's Tale also caught my attention for the simple fact that Microsoft made a 3D Platformer, a genre that looks like they completely hate (Rest in peace, Blinx). And well, Metroid Prime 4, although I will have to play the original trilogy first.
Ricky the Mushoom asks:
1-What do you think of the anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? (just curiosity)
So far I've only watched the first two parts: Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency, and I think the hype is justified. While Phantom Blood is a bit basic and doesn't have much to comment, the second part is incredibly intelligent in terms of battles, as they are not just "I'm seven times stronger than you!". It's the reason I love Joseph, he's everything I love from the show in one character.
2-Which games do you have that nobody knows? Like Don Quixote for the PC.
SKP: Dikie and Dukie's Games. I've never seen anything from this minigame collection on the Internet, much like Peripecias. If you Google it you'll find other games of this duo. But the one I own? Never. Another obscure one which isn't obscure enough to have nothing on the internet about it is Eggo Mania, an original and interesting puzzle game for the Game Cube.
3-What inspired you to make reviews?
SKP: Rareza
Jugable, Juegos Catastróficos and the Nostalgia Critic.
Caddicarus and Aitor Molina Vs were also influences although taken after the program was starting to air.
4-What was your first videogame and console?
SKP: When I was born my brother had the original Playstation, a PC and the Game Boy. In this last one is where I played my first videogame: "Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land". The first console that was mine instead of my brother's was the Nintendo Wii.
5-What's your favourite Lawl Spin Off?
SKP: Nowadays, Lawl Beatdown by ShadBad88. This does not mean that it's the only one I really like, obviously.
MonsterCombo007 asks:
1-What do you think of The Blockbuster Buster?
SKP: I haven't seen much of him but I've heard TERRIBLE things he makes recently. Just watch the video commentary that Detective Enigma made of one of his latest videos.
2-Any project for the future?
SKP: Of course! I'm currently working on the review of Shrek Super Slam as well as the Lawl Nova items.
3-Have you ever thought of making a Retropokon for Rareza Jugable or the videogames about European comics?
SKP: Oooooh... The Retropokon about Rareza Jugable is one of the specials that I want to make the most. It'll probably be the Retropokon in which I'll go the deepest. As for the European comics, I'll not make a collective video with that title, but there are videogames based on European comics that are interesting, like the Point-n-Click Adventure Games of Mortadelo and Filemón.
Criaturita Animatowner asks:
1-Where will I appear again in this channel?
1-Where will I appear again in this channel?
SKP: Right now.
2-Where do you think you'll go with Youtube?
SKP: Again, I hope I go very far.
3-Will Wai make a Youtube channel?
WAI: So far Sir Pokon allows me to use his, so I don't need it.
SIR POKON: And it makes me earn money.
4-Will u maek gaimplays of minecraf?
SKP: Baaa-aah Minecraft isn't a sport for someone like Big Boss.
5-Why is Wai called like that?
SKP: Because of the character of Joy Mech Fight of the same name. The name itself is a deformation of "Eye".
Dark92Enigma asks:
1-What gave you the idea of putting Thumbnails in each one of your Lawl Movesets since Samuel L. Jackson?
SKP: A Lawler called Memer Jones (Also known as Renegade Jade) gave me the base of the Splash Arts and I tried to make Doof's. I liked it so much that I made the rest in an afternoon.
2-Which game developer would you like to meet and why?2)¿Cual
desarrollador de juegos te gustaria conocer y porque?
SKP: Toby Fox
seems to be a very cool and funny guy. Judging by his Twitter he seems to be someone I'd love to meet.
3-What's your favourite Videogame Console?
SKP: GameCube. I know, I'm a hipster.
4-Is there any Retropokon episode that you'd like to remake someday?
SKP: Top 14 Games I Like But Everyone Else Hates. Some of those games aren't as hated these days, and there are also hated games I like that are not in that list. The Hurricane is another one, but the retrospective I made in the 3rd Anniversary Special is good enough.
5-Any inspirational message to those who follow you?
SKP: A good comment is more worthy than 1000 likes.
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